Tuesday, August 2

National IceCream Sandwich day!!

Happy National IceCream Sandwich day!! and yes, vegan icecream sandwiches do exist! I wanted to share with you my favorites by Tofutti!!

This is vanilla and chocolate wave but I've also had them in Neopolitan.

Perhaps the best thing I have ever eaten icecream-wise is also by Tofutti:
If you are a fan of sugar cones (of which I am a HUGE fan), you've got to try these.
Warning: I could eat the whole box in one sitting. Don't dare me!

Some other really great products are:
Tofutti Cream Cheese

Tofutti SourCreme

and Tofutti Pan Pizzas which are absolutely delicious!

All in all I've really gotta hand it to this brand. I know that they have cheese slices but I have not tried them yet. Everything else I can tell you is top notch. The pizzas I have had before from veganessentials.com because my grocery stores don't carry them but it's different wherever you live. (I live in a PRETTY non-vegan friendly city.) Tampa has all of the other stuff, though.

The Tofutti website even gives recipes!! Here's one for jalapeno poppers! Let me know if you try any of the recipes, I can't wait!


P.S. be sure to visit The Dainty Squid and wish her a Happy Birthday! And don't forget to enter her Giveaway! I'll post it on here.

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