Monday, May 2


So, I love my pasta. When I was younger, all I would eat was noodles and gravy (really, I think it was every day). In my adult life, I have learned to love all shapes and sizes of pasta as well as their sauces. Tonight I made spaghetti (okay, so this isn't so original but it's great for when you get home late and don't want to slave over the stove)!

I used a cheese sauce packet from Road's End instead of my usual Parma (hints the weird creamy look in the Shrek bowl and the dollop of cheesy sauce in the white bowl).
I'm not the biggest Shrek fan but it's still a pretty neat bowl. Handles are handy!
The cheese sauce was really awesome! Call me crazy but it even seemed to have a hint of garlic to it. I think it would be really awesome mixed into a stuffed shells tofu ricotta recipe! That is definitely on my list.

P.S. Road's End makes the alfredo noodles from my post here.

For a snack today I made some sherbet...or what I'd call sherbet at least! The only ingredients were frozen fruits and vanilla almond milk but it was delicious!

Tomorrow is my first day of summer cleaning! I am very excited to get started and will post pictures if I make any noteworthy progress. Have a great night and thamk=you for stopping by my blog!

Really, that's what the gas station told me this weekend ;)


1 comment:

  1. Hi, I came across your blog because I am searching for a Shrek bowl exactly like the one in your photo. My dad had one and it belonged to our family for years, but somehow it got lost. We're trying to get him another one! I thought it'd be worth a shot to ask: would you be willing to sell your Shrek bowl to me, if you still have it? We can negotiate a fair price. My email is


Thanks for your comments :)