Wednesday, June 22

Photo update

It's been a really busy week, I worked like 5 days in a row (okay I guess that's normal but I'm part time so it's usually no more than 2 or 3 days in a row haha).

Also, we decided to go to Portland, Oregon for my birthday!!!!!! So, I have been planning for that and am beyond excited! There are so many awesome vegan restaurants to try and places to go. I will feature some in the upcoming months (my birthday is September) and be sure to spill the beans when I get back.

Some quick food updates from the past few days:

I put PEPPERJACK DAIYA on my pizza!!! I was so excited when I saw the bag, I hugged it.

Made some stirfry with brown rice, seitan, and mixed veggies. Seitan is so awesome!

Quinoa and garlicy kale.

I have a bell pepper plant! This little one fell off but they get really big, about half the size of one you'd get in a store which is perfect!

Also, I found this on tumblr. I totally wanna do this for the final movie! I am a HUGE Harry Potter geek.


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